Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Election Blogging

When I created this blog, I intended to have students blog with me here. I've since changed my mind about that. My students will post their discussions inside Blackboard. Not wanting to waste my efforts at setting up election links, however, I've decided to keep the blog up myself.

I'll post links to election coverage, reactions to campaign events, and tips about how to proceed with assignments. If you are my student, explore the links in the sidebar to begin your quest for more information on the election issues you've selected for your class projects. Come back weekly to check for new posts. Also, follow my Delicious links (also posted in the sidebar). When I see interesting articles online, I'll tag them there.

And don't forget to track the polls! I've linked to Real Clear Politics, a place that provides up-to-date poll results from a variety of places. Be sure to watch the Electoral College map on this site, as it will help you understand more than any of the other polls where the candidates really stand.

For now, your research should entail watching the party conventions (or as much news coverage of them as possible), reading articles about the candidates and their positions, and selecting the particular issues you want to concentrate on for the semester. As we progress, your research should become more involved, but for the time being your task is to read, watch, listen, and think about what you are learning.

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